Wind Resource Assessment
Meatech Solutions
Wind Resource Assessment - Harnessing the Earth's Energy
ZX300 – Onshore Wind Lidar
ZX300 wind lidar is used extensively through the pre-planning / scoping, planning, development, construction and operational phases of an onshore wind energy project in combination with short met masts and tall met masts and associated cup anemometers, roaming during site-prospecting, stand-alone in replacement of a met mast and as a fixed reference control.

ZX300M – Offshore Wind Lidar
ZX300M is proud to deliver a fully-marinised wind lidar – ZX300M – for the offshore wind and meteorological industries, founded on the company’s successful and finance-approved remote wind measurement device, ZX300M .
ZX300M is the single most experienced lidar operating offshore with extensive global offshore deployments across a 10 year track record including: the world’s first wind lidar to be used on a fixed platform; the world’s first wind lidar to be used on a floating platform; the first wind lidar to be accepted as DNV GL Stage 3 ‘bankable’ on a fixed platform, and; the world’s first wind lidar to be deployed as standard in dual configuration on a buoy for resource assessment.
ZX TM – Turbine Mounted Wind Lidar
Power Performance Measurements and Testing to IEC standards including IEC 61400-50-3:2022 Accepted by all major turbine OEMs Unique measurements of wakes and complex flow True wind shear and wind veer measurements across the whole rotor. It Validate your wind turbine performance and reach financial close with nacelle-based Lidar Power Performance Testing. Optimise asset performance with operational power curve and yaw measurements. Develop wind farm Lidar control strategies with wake steering and load control.