Pyrheliometer – CHP1
The CHP1 pyrheliometer is the most commonly used radiometer for the measurement of direct normal irradiance (DNI) and offers high accuracy and reliability.
The instrument has a quartz window to cover the total solar spectrum of solar radiation between 200 to 4000 nm.
CHP1 is has a high quality connector for easy installation and maintenance, the screw-in drying cartridge is easy to remove and replacement desiccant is supplied in convenient refill packs.
Kipp & Zonen SOLYS sun trackers are supplied pre-fitted with the mountings for a CHP1.
As standard CHP1 comes fitted with both 10 kΩ thermistor and Pt-100 and temperature sensors; so that the small temperature dependency of sensitivity can be corrected in post-processing using the supplied test data.
The CHP1 is the perfect choice for high accuracy direct solar irradiance measurements.

Pyrheliometer – SHP1
The combination of the CHP1 sensor technology with smart interface advantages makes the SHP1 even better, and with faster response.
The smart interface not only provides versatile outputs, the integrated temperature sensor and digital polynomial functions also provide individual correction for the temperature sensitivity of the detector from -40 °C to +80 °C. The standardised output makes it easy to interchange instruments for recalibration.
SHP1 pyrheliometers have extremely low power consumption so that internal heating does not affect the detector performance. They operate from a wide range of supply voltages, making them ideal for power-critical applications, and the power input is protected against reversed polarity.
Two versions are available, SHP1-V has an analogue output of 0-1 V, SHP1-A is 4-20 mA. Both have a 2-wire RS-485 serial interface with Modbus® RTU protocol that provides a range of instrument status and configuration information, with user-selectable options.
The analogue outputs allow easy connection to virtually any data logger without the need for sensitive mV inputs. Modbus® interfaces directly to PLC and SCADA systems, industrial networks and controllers. A recalibrated instrument keeps the same analogue and digital measurement ranges, saving time by eliminating re-scaling of data collection equipment.
Kipp & Zonen SmartExplorer Windows™ software for instrument configuration, data display and data logging is available at no charge.