Eddy-covariance carbon and water flux measurements
Integrated CO2 and H2O Open-Path Gas Analyzer and 3-D Sonic Anemometer - IRGASON
Campbell Scientific’s IRGASON® fully integrates the open-path analyzer and sonic anemometer. Designed specifically for eddy-covariance carbon and water flux measurements, the patented design is easier to install and use than separate sensors and provides increased measurement accuracy. The IRGASON simultaneously measures absolute carbon dioxide and water vapor, air temperature, barometric pressure, three-dimensional wind speed, and sonic air temperature. U.S. patent D680455
Benefits and Features :
- New conformal coating helps protect sonic transducers in corrosive environments
- Combined support structure causes less flow distortion than two separate sensors
- Truly colocated gas analyzer and sonic anemometer measurements avoid flux loss due to sensor separation
- Synchronized gas analyzer and sonic anemometer measurements avoid the need to correct for time lag
- Low power consumption; suitable for solar power applications
- Measurements are temperature compensated without active heat control
- Low noise
- Maximum output rate of 60 Hz with 20 Hz bandwidth
- Angled windows shed water and are tolerant to window contamination
- Field rugged
- Field serviceable
- Factory calibrated over wide range of CO2, H2O, pressure, and temperature in all combinations encountered in practice
- Extensive set of diagnostic parameters
- Fully compatible with Campbell Scientific dataloggers; field setup, configuration, and field zero and span can be accomplished directly from the datalogger
- Sonic temperature determined from three acoustic paths; corrected for crosswind effects
- Innovative signal processing and transducer wicks considerably improve performance of the anemometer during precipitation events
Detailed Description :
The IRGASON has the following outputs:
- Ux(m/s)
- Uy(m/s)
- Uz(m/s)
- Sonic Temperature (°C)
- Sonic Diagnostic
- CO2Density (mg/m3)
- H2O Density (g/m3)
- Gas Analyzer Diagnostic
- Ambient Temperature (°C)
- Atmospheric Pressure (kPa)
- CO2Signal Strength
- H2O Signal Strength
Source Temperature (°C)

Expandable Closed-Path Eddy-Covariance System with EC155, Pump Module, and Automatic Zero and Span - CPEC310
The CPEC310 with EasyFlux® is a turn-key, closed-path eddy-covariance (EC) flux system for long-term monitoring of atmospheric-biosphere exchanges of carbon dioxide, water vapor, heat, and momentum. A complete system consists of a closed-path gas analyzer (EC155 closed-path gas analyzer), sonic anemometer (CSAT3A sonic anemometer), data logger (CR6 datalogger), sample pump, three-valve module that enables automatic zero and CO2 span measurements (manual H2O span), and accommodations for a CDM-A116 analog input expansion module allowing for additional sensors.
The gas analyzer’s patented vortex intake design (United States Patent No. 9,217,692) and small sample cell volume (5.9 mL) provide a much lower flow rate than other closed-path systems while maintaining excellent frequency response (4.3 Hz cutoff frequency). Additionally, this design makes the system virtually maintenance free while still maintaining an ideal frequency response compared to traditional inline filters. Lower flow allows the CPEC310 to have one of the lowest total system power requirements (12 W) of any closed-path eddy covariance system. Campbell Scientific manufactures all components of the CPEC310, including the data logger and EasyFlux® DL software for computing and correcting fluxes, which gives our system the most reliable functionality.
Benefits and Features :
- New conformal coating helps protect sonic transducers in corrosive environments
- Expandable, high-end system with CR6 datalogger processing power and EasyFlux®DL software to compute and fully correct up to 20 Hz data
- The three-valve module makes the CPEC310 the only closed-path eddy covariance system on the market with the ability to perform automatic zero and CO2/H2O span
- Additional port options for energy balance and atmospheric sensors
- Ideal system for short or tall towers
- Simple design provides easy use while maintaining full functionality
Detailed Description :
The gas analyzer’s small sample cell volume (5.9 mL) minimizes the sample residence time (50 ms at the system’s nominal flow rate, 7 LPM). This gives excellent frequency response (5.8 Hz half-power bandwidth) with low total system power (12 W).
Eddy-Covariance Measurements : CO2 and H2O are measured with an EC155 Closed-Path Gas Analyzer. Three-dimensional wind speed and sonic air temperature are measured with a CSAT3A sonic anemometer head.
CPEC310 System Enclosure : The CPEC310 has two enclosures: a fiberglass enclosure that houses the CR6 datalogger, pump module, three-valve module, and optional CDM-A116, and the EC100 enclosure for data processing. The CPEC310 can also be equipped with a scrub module for automatic zeroing of the EC155.
CPEC310 Pump Module : The pump module, a standard component of the CPEC310 system, consists of a small dual-head diaphragm pump with a brushless dc motor mounted inside a fiberglass enclosure. An integral cable connects the pump module to the CPEC310 system enclosure, which provides power, temperature measurement and control, pressure measurement, and pumping speed measurement and control.